N272HF – 172S G1000 NXi

Measured in nm.
Measured in etas.
Measured in seats.
Measured in feet.
Cessna N272HF
Horizon Flight Center is an FAA approved Part 61 & Part 141, and Cessna Pilot Center located in the heart of Chesapeake, Virginia. Our flight school offers a safe, friendly, comfortable and dynamic atmosphere in which to learn. Horizon Flight Center is committed to providing its students with the highest quality in pilot training. We value integrity, accountability, professionalism and teamwork in a safe, friendly environment. So you want to learn to fly? Prior experience is not necessary, there are no set enrollment dates and you may pay as you go. Students with prior experience are eligible for credit and VA benefits are accepted. Training time varies from person-to-person which is all dependent on your schedule. Call us today to set-up a Discovery Flight which will help you to determine which of our fleet will best suit your lesson needs. 757.421.9000
- Professional Instructors
- Cost Effective Management
- Safe Equipment

Standard Features
- 2022
- Cessna 172S
- Garmin G1000 NXi
- Garmin GFC700 Autopilot
- Flight Director
- XM Weather
- $279 Per Hour
- * Prices are subject to change without notice